Flexiness Fitness

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What is the "Flexiness®Fitness K9Studio"? 
In 2013, Gangwerk GmbH was founded by Katharina Mattioli (certified dog physiotherapist and Certified Canine Fitness Trainer). 
We specialize in active movement therapy and device drinking and we have our own brand for therapy devices under the name "Flexiness®" . Since 2015 we offer a course, further education and seminar offer for therapists and dog owners.

It is important to us to support dogs physically and mentally healthy! 
Dog sport enjoys great popularity nowadays and is widespread and very versatile. Unfortunately, he is often exercised by ignorance or false ambition of the owner at the expense of the dog's health. Late effects are the consequence of this.

It is our concern to share our knowledge and experience around the musculoskeletal system for the benefit of our dogs.

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from $79.00
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Flexiness® SensiTarget (set of 2)
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Flexiness®ToyPawDiscs- set of 4
Flexiness Flexblox
from $110.00
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Flexiness SensiMat V6 for FlexBlox
Flexiness®SensiMatV5 – Paw
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