
Game on Dogs is dedicated to enhancing the lives of our beloved canines through training and engagement in dog sports.

Game on dogs believes that dog sports plays an integral part in promoting understanding of our canine partners and ultimately their welfare. To this end, our commitment to supporting dogsports remains unwavering. 

Our mission is to improve the welfare of dogs by supplying quality training, toys, gear and educational resources (with knowledge comes confidence) as well as the sponsorships of various dog sports events. For over 12 years we started with sponsorship of Agility events and very quickly adding Obedience, DWD, Nosework, etc to our growing list of dog sports supported.

To ensure that we can support as many clubs across a range of dog sport as we can within our limited resources, we have created sponsorship packages that consist of a combination pf product and gift cards.

A fixed number of packages will be ear marked for each State every year as our goal is also to give back to our loyal customers from different states. We would also like to support the smaller clubs on the basis of most in need.

I am happy to announce that we are now accepting applications for sponsorship for 2025. Due date will be when all the sponsorship packages have been allocated or 30th November 2024, whichever is sooner.

Please email: sales@gameondogs.com.au

Please include details as follows:

Club name

Dog sport



Email contact

Event name

Event date

No of participants (size of eligible event is minimum 50 participants and capped at 100 participants)

2025 Allocation of sponsorship to each States based on 2024 are:

WA 2
NT 1
SA 1